
Your team could win $25,000 to implement your winning idea about volunteering for disaster relief, protecting land & oceans, or youth education & skills!
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We believe that volunteers are key to creating a just and sustainable world. So how do we build on the strength of volunteer movements to make volunteering as accessible, productive, and sustainable as possible? 
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IAVE is pleased to honor Alfredo Abreu as this year’s recipient of the Kenn Allen Global Award for Volunteer Leadership. Abreu founded Serve the City Portugal in 2015 and has served as chairman of Serve the City International from 2020 – 2023.
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I am an optimist and someone who is firm in her belief that there is always more than one way forward.  But maintaining this sentiment has never been harder.
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“IBM supports the Reskilling Revolution, and we are very excited to be a partner with you,” Nixon-Saintil said. “This is something that’s needed globally—access to skills. Especially with the impacts of climate change and the global skills gap, there is a sense of urgency.”
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On 8 December at the RewirED education summit in Dubai, IAVE’s executive director, Nichole Cirillo, will introduce IAVE’s new partnership with the African Union to create “volunteer-powered pathways” to youth employment in the green economy.
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On this International Volunteer Day, IAVE is delighted to announce the launch of our second Ideathon in collaboration with the Emirates Foundation, 4–6 March 2024!
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On October 19, IAVE joined Volunteer Culture Korea and the CSR Forum in Seoul for a day of discussion on corporate volunteering. IAVE Executive Director Nichole Cirillo gave opening remarks and Lorrie Foster, Director of Corporate Strategy, delivered the keynote address on global trends in skills-based volunteering.
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Join us in Busan for IAVE’s 27th World Volunteer Conference! The 2024 conference theme is People Power: Creating a Sustainable Future through Volunteering. The conference will take place in Busan, South Korea, from 22 – 25 October 2024
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