Measurement and Impact – Providing the Evidence that Volunteering is Good for Society and Good for You
Part 6 of the Virtual Global Forum Series on Volunteering to Enable Change and Create a Better World
It has always been important for volunteers to know that their involvement has made a difference, volunteering can also be of great benefit to the individual volunteer. Increasingly the focus is on providing the evidence to record, measure and showcase the impact of volunteering. As an example, the United Nations, in taking forward the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda, is seeking to scale up the measurement of impact to evidence how volunteers are making a positive difference to solving the world’s problems. Everyone understands that impact measurement is important but not that easy to do. Learning from experience is helpful, organizations and institutions need to share information on what they are measuring and how they are doing it.
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Dr. Cliff AllumAssociate, Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham
Cliff Allum is an Associate Fellow at the Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham, UK. He is a researcher and writer focusing mainly on the area of volunteering. Prior to this he had been involved in both the UK and international voluntary sector including roles as CEO of Skillshare International and President of the International Forum for Volunteering in Development. He has been a volunteer in grass roots football coaching and is currently involved in tennis coaching and tennis tournaments. Cliff is also National Treasurer and Trustee of the WEA, the largest voluntary sector provider of Adult Education in the UK. He lives in Birmingham, UK.
Dr. Peter DevereuxAdjunct Research Fellow, Curtin University
Dr. Peter Devereux is coordinator of the SDG Unit he developed at Curtin University as well as the Sustainability, Ecology and Communities unit at Murdoch University. He is a co-chief investigator on a longitudinal research study of Australian Volunteers. He is on national and international volunteer research committees and coordinates the Western Australian SDG Network. Peter has focused on volunteering for development and sustainability policy, research and practice for 30 years and publishes and presents extensively in this area. Previously he worked on Volunteering and SDGs research in Myanmar; UN Volunteers HQ; as environmental adviser in Nicaragua, UN volunteer in Fiji, and manager of AVI’s Perth office.
Paul ReddishChief Executive, Volunteering Matters
Paul Reddish took up the post of Chief Executive of Volunteering Matters in September 2019. Volunteering Matters supports over 100 volunteering programmes throughout the UK, which in turn involve 30,000 volunteers. They support communities to lead social change in critical areas such as isolation and loneliness, skills development, youth social action and the improvement of mental health and wellbeing.
Paul is currently chairing the national volunteering co-ordination response, made up of key leaders from across both government and the voluntary sector.
Prior to his current role, Paul was CEO of ProjectScotland help hundreds of young unemployed Scots every year to get on in life by helping them increase their skills and find what they really want to do through meaningful placements within Scotland’s not for profit sector, and also has held a number of senior roles in Royal Bank of Scotland Group.
As a volunteer, he is a founding trustee of one of the Scotland’s first community sports hubs – Inch Park Community Sports Club – who use sport as a tool to engage young people in some of Edinburgh’s most deprived areas.