The Red ‘V’, which has become an international symbol for volunteering, was commissioned by Margaret Bell, former President of Volunteering Australia and given to Volunteering Australia and the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) to be used universally as a symbol of volunteering.
Since the original, IAVE has revised the Red ‘V’ to provide a modern and consistent look for future use. There are three online logo formats available to use if you would like to link to IAVE.
Please keep in mind that the Red ‘V’ can be used by anyone in the world to represent volunteering, however three important conditions apply:
1. The correct PMS colour must be used when the symbol is reproduced. The PMS color is PMS 186.
2. The Red ‘V’ must be used as a stand alone symbol and must not be used to form part of any word, including “volunteering” or “volunteers”.
3. If ‘IAVE’ or ‘International Association for Volunteer Effort’ is used in conjunction with the Red ‘V’, permission from IAVE must be obtained first.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions, or would like to use the IAVE logo in your print materials.
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